Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Little Rain Must Come

While I'm enjoying my time and friends here in Atlanta, my feet are itching and Path is tugging at his tie downs, anxious to be flying. We were ready to go yesterday, but predicted rain came with ceilings too low for flying. I could have considered a late start but circumstances came into play. There are IFR conditions this morning, but I am confident that, like yesterday, the clouds will rise and I'll be on my way East.

I did get my "states landed in" map updated, but it sized funny. Blogs do not always do what we want them to do!


  1. Regardless of the sizing, that is one impressive streak of red you have going across the southern US. Ever think about about bopping down into northern Florida while you're near ATL? You know, for completeness?

  2. Yes, Chris. FL was on my plan, but leaving MS the weather stopped me so I decided to just skip FL this trip and give myself an excuse to fly to Sun n Fun.r

  3. HI Joyce! I have had no time to catch up...finally got to read a few this afternoon...we did a flea market this morning..MY Sis here to help made that possible since I was selling heavy boxes of TOOLS! Did quite well then the bottom literally fell out...Buckets of rain!! WOW your state map is Def in the RED! Hope you're enjoying your trip!!

  4. Makes me wish I was 23 again and still had my plane. I envy you
