I was lucky and sold my WA home with ease - didn't run an ad or hire a Realtor. My next door neighbor heard I was looking to sell - and bought it! A bit of negotiation and my home of 14 years is no longer mine. Yes, part of me is feeling sadness, I loved that house. I also love being out from under the cost and responsibility and nearly an acre of lawn.
Left for AZ with a loaded truck (26 feet) pulling my car. I drove my husband's SUV. Here is the view I had for most of the trip.
The drive was easy enough. We managed to get "lost" once or twice getting back on the freeway. There was also the rapidly vanishing deisel which turned out to be failed o-rings on the fuel lines. Called in for emergency aid at 5:30 am in Weed CA. Lost 3 hours waiting for repairs. The young man who came to help was a delight and very proud of his town. For good reason.
Scenery through WA, OR, and CA is spectacular. It was interesting to drive along the routes I had previously seen only from the air - a new perspective.
Here is Mt Shasta.
Mountains of the north are like beautiful women wearing their best green dresses. Here in the south desert the ladies are naked, proudly displaying their curves and bones. I love them all.
Been here in AZ unpacking and settling for 3 days, having arrived Tuesday early evening. I really did bring way too much stuff! Did I need 10 boxes of books? I thought so. Wasn't ready to part with these old friends.
Haven't been doing any flying as Path is still in WA awaiting my return. Luke AFB is a few air miles away from my new winter home so I get several air shows each day as fighter jets come and go. People in parking lots wonder whats wrong with me when I stop and look up. To them, the sound of roaring jet engines is old hat. I wonder if I too, will quit watching them...nah.
Well, it's 6:00 am, a beautiful 78 degrees and I must get some work done before the summer heat kicks in. Just a few more days and retirement will truly begin. Back to WA to live in my fifth wheel, and do whatever I please for days and days.
I was wondering we why haven't seen much from you lately. This certainly explains it! I read the entire post asking myself, "but what about Path?!". So, thanks for clearing that up! :-)
ReplyDeleteI have lived under Seatac for 20+ yrs and was born & raised on AF bases. I still look up, I bet you always will too.Dave
ReplyDeleteI would think you will have some great flying in AZ.
ReplyDeleteHappy to see all is well. Sounds like a long ride as a ground pounder, you will be looking forward to quality time with Path I'm sure.
I hate moving too sorry about your troubles along the way. That scenery sure is beautiful for sure thanks for sharing and happy retirement to you!!!
ReplyDeleteWelcome to Arizona! I guess you're about 50 miles away from our winter home in Mesa. Let's do lunch this winter!
ReplyDeleteGlad to see all's well and you're starting a new chapter in AZ! Quite jealous about all the free jet noise as well.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to flying photos over new terrain, too. :)
I'm glad to hear you have landed in your new home. The fifth wheel is staying near your old home? This sounds like a perfect set up! good luck getting settled and all. I'll check in on you later.
ReplyDeleteWOW...that made me tired just reading--SO glad its all behind you now the fun stuff really kicks off...Keep us posted!!
ReplyDeleteGood to see you are doing well!