I discovered this product a few years ago from a magazine that mysteriously arrived in the mailbox. Being female, I had to wander through its pages. Spotted this item called Cab Commander and immediately realized it was exactly what I needed to organize my cockpit. Most of my flights, especially cross country, I’m alone. All those bits and pieces and charts are hard to corral, particularly if bouncy out.
Introducing the Cockpit Commander (my renaming)
Hanging on the co-pilot seat, everything I need is at my fingertips. Backup GPS, hand-held radio, pen, highlighter, spare batteries, laptop, cell phone, sectional charts (all folded and in order of need). When I’m flying with a co-pilot I simply hang it behind either seat – still accessible. It’s well worth the $35.00 price tag. Go to Duluth Trading if you’re interested.
This one is mine, sitting on a spare seat in the hangar. Couldn’t get a clear photo with it in the plane.
Looks a lot better than the older style flight bags.