As you know, Path is in for annual which should have been close to complete. Except a little problem. An instrument called the Turn Coordinator had failed. A new one ordered. Except it was the wrong one, and the correct one will cost $1,000 more than originally thought. You can imagine my response to that little bit of news. My A&P had mercy on me and figured out a less expensive solution – remove the bad one, ship it to the manufacturer and get it rebuilt. Considerable savings. No flying for at least another two weeks. I’d like to hope for bad weather, but that wouldn’t be fair to my fellow pilots. Grounded so getting in extra walking – did 5.6 yesterday.

Here’s a nasty bit of weather near Reno from a trip last year. I flew in a different direction!
Thanks for following my blog. When I checked your blog, I started to get those old flying feelings back. My former lifestyle, once removed was flying. I spent over 20 years on and off flying. For many years the only way I could describe my interest in flying was addiction. I picked up single, multi-engine, Flight instructor, instrument instructor and commercial. Even owned a small aircraft rental and flight instruction business for a few years. So I look forward to reading you blog and seeing how that world is working today.
ReplyDeleteWelcome fellow aviator! Addiction indeed. I tell everyone I get high and like to share my drug!