While at a Fly-In, an aircraft unlike any I had seen before landed…on the taxiway. I was impressed with its ability to land and stop quickly. Later I watched it depart and again the ground run was SHORT. This was my introduction to Ultralights. These are now called E-LSA (Experimental Light Sport Aircraft).
This is the Phantom.
Friends started buying these delightful little aircraft. They looked like a lot of fun. Then Jerry bought an upgraded model and Mike decided to buy his old one – we became the owners of a Flightstar. I thought The ELSA was a good name for her – a long one, because she is so small and has to have something big about her.
My first take-off wasn’t bad but once airborne all that open air rushing by and all that unrestricted view had me thinking. “Okay. Now I’m up here and I have to figure out how to control this thing and how to land!” I’m not going to kid you – it was frightening. The controls are very sensitive and wind has a much stronger effect so a lot more careful corrections are needed. At first I was all over the sky – up down, oops! Left right drat! But within a few minutes things settled down and I managed to relax a little. Then it was time to land as Mike was on the ground anxiously awaiting my safe return. The 100’ wide runway looked huge as it loomed ahead. I decided to focus on one side of it and that worked. I touched down very nicely and applied toe breaks. The ELSA does not have toe brakes, those are rudder pedals only! We made a very sudden left turn onto the grass and came to a stop. Huge sigh of relief. First flight a success. Plane and pilot can both be re-used.
Since then I’ve flown a handful of times. On one flight, a bald eagle approached and paced me just a few feet off my wing for a few heart-racing moments. The ELSA is hard to make consistent take-offs (I’m over correcting). The landings are easy, she likes grass. It’s COLD up there, even though I’ve never gone above 2,000. I always pick a light wind or calm day. Starting her, which is a gut pulling pain, is going to be a lot easier now that I’ve purchased an electric starter. I’ll never be brave enough to fly The ELSA on long trips like one pilot did. This is a great article about Arty and info on her blog.

Me and The ELSA - ready to go!
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