Today I heard a helicopter and spotted it hovering over the property behind mine. Back and forth it flitted. Finally I spotted a fluffy bundle hanging below and realized the bird was harvesting Christmas trees! I'd seen video and read about this use for helicopters, but now was a chance to observe in person. At the farm I marveled at the speed and efficiency of the process. Grabber dangling, the heli hovered for mere seconds, then lifted up with a bundle of trees, slid immediately sideways and expertly dropped them into an open area, each load lined up perfectly next to the previous. Each 1/2 mile round trip took about 3 minutes. The bundles looked to be about the size of a small pickup truck. Trees moved with amazing speed, no damage to ground or surrounding trees, handily placed for loading into waiting transport trucks. Impressive skill shown by this pilot. A wonderful treat for me.
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