Friday the 26th. With 3 other planes out of Chehalis, 1 from Puyallup, 1 from Kent. We gather at our airports and wait for the fog to lift. Ah! Big holes. 10:50 am. East past Mt Rainier, where I find it impossible to simply fly by – got to take another picture.
A few minutes farther the east side of Snoqualmie Pass comes into view. This is Lake CleElum. A lovely grass, Washington State airport, is here.
Our destination is Ferry County airport in Republic WA. Just 14 nm south of Canada. I think I told about the wonder’s of this Fly-In a post last year. They always try to add something new and this year is was a tour of the town of Curlew and it’s museums.
Our first stop, the historic Ansorge Hotel.
The story is that the business started as a restaurant and purveyor of spirits during prohibition. When the railroad came through a hotel was needed so the bar was moved to a building in back and the Ansorge became a Hotel. Eventually it was closed, then in 1961 the owners sold it, with all contents for $5,000. Inside was every stick of original furniture, now valuable antiques. Currently the hotel is a non-profit museum lovingly maintained and manned by volunteers. This lobby has been painstakingly recreated, with all original items, to exactly depict a photo taken of the first owners that is displayed on the counter. I looked carefully and it’s exact!
Each room is an antique lover’s dream. Ground floor is the dining room, kitchen and what was the billiard room now turned into a general store in order to preserve items from the old Curlew Store.
Upstairs the rooms feature original furniture as well as many donated items.

Stop two was at the Car and Truck museum. Again, this is a labor of love. This gentlemen and his dog greeted us and proudly showed off their museum.
I’ve now flown off, leaving Republic at 5:30 Sunday morning. Six and one-half hours later I landed to spend an afternoon and evening in Carson City with cousins. Here is a quick shot of Reno International. I passed by at Noon and it was turbulent as all get out. Glad to be on the ground.
Left CXP at 6:00 am this morning and landed at Lake Havasu at 10:00. Yes, it’s just an hour from my AZ home airport, but I’d flown 5 hours, visibility was hazy and a visit with family in town was too appealing to pass up.
Watch for the story of the pilot to be at Republic.
Have you observed that when you’ve left something behind it suddenly becomes more precious? On my walks plant life that has simply been background now catches my eye as if seeing it for the first time. In places where man does not wage constant battle, the wild things create a solid wall of green. Green in every shade, shape and variety.
Along roadsides, grow blackberries in massive clumps going 10 feet high and yards deep. Late every summer they droop with sweet purple-black fruit. But not this year. As you can see from the zoomed inset, (bottom left)the berries are still hard green nubbins. I fear it will be a tough fall for the animals that count on this food source unless there is a long Indian Summer.
Another common plant is the Fireweed. Unmolested these will cover acres, their tall silhouette rising above surrounding grasses and plants . The lavender-pink flowers are nectar laden and very popular with bees. Fireweed honey is delicious.
Turning a corner on this forest road …
an inviting window.
Unfortunately I had only my cell phone camera so the sky is washed out. Why no camera? Well the one I have with me broke so the little door that keeps the batteries in won’t stay closed unless wrapped with a rubber band which interferes with the zoom control. I’m shopping for a new one, and am frustrated. The size of camera I like is now going with lithium batteries and I prefer AA since they are quickly replaced while flying and available everywhere.
Been flying? Sure. Made a trip up to Bremerton for dinner. Exciting this flight is not, since I’ve made it so many times, but the food is excellent, and I never tire of the view. My son was with me, his first since our rough flight home over the Frank Church Wilderness when he had announced “never again.” My heart soared when he agreed to a dinner flight and once on our way, sighed and said “It’s good to be in the air again.”

I spent several days living on an airstrip just a mile from my old home. It was lovely to wake each morning to peaceful green beauty. There is nothing like a walk down a grass runway to start the day.
Then I spent five days parked at “My Airport”. Chehalis (CLS). This is a small airport by most standards, but hardly a sleepy country strip. Each morning a Cessna Citation, operated by a local business, departs. I love watching it vanish into the onshore clouds that start the majority of summer days. Helicopters arrive with students at the controls – a great breakfast show. That’s my camper in the middle distance. I took this photo walking back across the airport from Wal-Mart.
The annual AirFair found me making Grey Eagle flights – add 11 to my list of seniors flown. I met this man who flew in for fuel and to visit this tree he and his Dad planted over 40 years ago. Now it provides beauty and shade for relaxing pilots.
I’m still enjoying walks every day. There is a great trail that encircles the airport, on top of the dike. Thousands of times I’ve landed but liked seeing runway 16 from a new perspective.
Here a family of coyotes played.
I also walked my favorite Rosebrook Loop, noting baby lambs now grown, hayfields baled. As much as I love Arizona, taking a walk in cool Washington temps, surrounded by green is refreshing. Who could resist a side trip down this forest path?
Into each life of retirement joy comes the dark side. Big Red, my Ford truck, was constantly pulling to the right. Off to (national chain that shall go un-named) where I’m told that most of the front end needed to be replaced, not the simple wheel alignment I expected. Doubting them, I took Red to my usual mechanic and got the same bad news. They did all the front end work and included new brakes and calipers for less than the chain quoted. But I still paid $850. Ouch!
Left Arizona and temps over 100 during the day and cooling way down into the 90's at night. Arrived back in WA on the 29th and it rained the very next day! But not for long and since then the sun has been out and the temps are highs of low 80's with blue sky and lots of green. When it's not raining or fogging, WA is one of the most beautiful places in the country.
Visiting with friends is wonderful. Getting my Liberty (fifth wheel) ready for major traveling is fun but also a challenge. Who was the person who told me how much easier a fifth is as compared to a trailer? I spent 1/2 hour unhooking and another re-hooking. These things are picky as hell - everything has to be lined up just so before the heavenly "clunk" reaches my ears. I climb in and out of my truck so many times I fear for the life span of the seat!
The second day here was flying time. Nearly a month had passed and withdrawal was fact. Path was just off a fresh oil change, a new tire and as anxious to be airborne as I. Judy flew with me along with friends in their RV, one in his Sonex, one in a Wyex (spelled wrong), the fifth plane a Super Cub. Our destination was Tillamook as they were having a car show and pancake breakfast at the museum there. 300 foot ceilings gradually rose to 900 then 1100 but not till long after the breakfast was over. Lifting off from Chehalis (CLS) at 10:30 we flew southwest toward the Columbia River and Astoria. Our intention was to turn south and fly the coast south. Nothing but cloud so we stayed over the top, direct. Just north of Tillamook (TMK) it opened up right over Nehalem (3S7) and we slipped under the cloud cover still hanging over the Tillamook valley. Flight time 1.1
On this flight in Path and during the flight that morning from Judy's Field - Shady Acres (3B8) in her LadyHawk, we took lots of wonderful pictures. Fields and mountains through patches of morning mist, planes flying next to us, with a background of clouds, rock formations, ocean. Truly they were breathtaking. You, my readers, would have been blown away.
Unfortunately all those perfect photos were accidentally deleted...gone. Nothing but our memories of the flights remain. Drat.