Continuing my mission (among many it seems) to give flights to senior citizens, I took two people up last weekend. This is Fred who was celebrating his 78th and Joan who arranged the flight to surprise Fred.
At 6:30 when I got up, the weather was perfect. Notice a theme here? Yes, pilots are obsessed with weather. I for one, get up and look out the window first thing every day. No, I’m not planning to fly, just going to work most days , but got to know if I could fly. So anyway, this day is good. At 8:30 I call Joan and arrange to meet her and Fred at the airport, but 11:30 is the earliest they can manage as Fred has slept in and has chores to do first. This amazing man still runs a small 80 acre farm, singlehandedly.
By the time 11:30 arrives, so have the clouds. Not totally overcast, but the mountains to the east are obscured and a flight west to the Ocean is out due to rain and increasing winds. Those being the two top choices for scenic flights.
It’s safely flyable so I take them south to see the Columbia River and “go to Oregon.”
On the way, we make a few circles trying to spot Fred’s farm, always a popular pastime of passengers. I’m really careful though, as low circling flight can be difficult on tummies. Stomach acid is hell on planes.
These two really don’t care where we go as long as we’re flying – my kind of people! Joan is excited and talkative, Fred nearly mute. He shares his home with Judy, as hers was damaged in the flood of 2009 to the point that the city won’t allow her to live there without extensive repairs which a fixed income won’t cover. Of course homeowners won’t cover floods, and she had no flood insurance as her home is in an area that has NEVER before flooded, so why would she? I know this because Judy talked non-stop during the entire flight and that gave me a strong clue as to Fred’s silence.
Down here along the river near Kelso (KLS) we spotted an unusual group of vehicles and people along this spit. Circled back to get a photo and try to figure out “what are they doing?” No clue but sure a lot of cars on the beach.

Red circle is the spit.

As you can see, in the background here, there are patches of rainfall. We avoided them without problem and my passengers were delighted to “see rain without getting wet.”

I thoroughly enjoyed these people and had to get firm with them in refusal of payment. They could not believe that all I wanted was a smile and a hug. But that is the price listed on the Grey Eagle flyers I pass out, and I’ll not allow otherwise.
Climbing onto the Soap Box
Joan is forced to “depend on the kindness of strangers”. She has paid taxes and been a productive citizen all her life. Now that she needs help, there is none for her. Yet, she continues to pay taxes on her meager income. She expressed anger at the help that goes to lazy young people who drive nice cars and have cell phones while collecting from the government. I cannot blame her, and would see it otherwise.
Hey Chris - "Airport Time" that is the perfect term. Thanks!
Started flying (as chronicled on this blog) back in 2003. Began logging those precious hours. Every minute counted and was carefully noted. Then sometime after the first book was full, I set a goal – 1,000 hours. Started the second logbook and then came the day when I knew one more flight was all I needed to reach the magic number.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Weather was what I call “flyable” and forecasted to improve. I needed 2 more hours. Decided a flight south to Lebanon, OR (S30) would be just about right, and I could fill up on cheap fuel at the same time.

There is a strange thing that happens to time when a pilot gets near an airplane or just an airport, for that matter. Time flies. Really it does.
I left for the airport around 2:00 pm, preflighted, pulled the plane out and lifted up into what had now become clear blue skies. The flight to Lebanon is one I’ve made many times so was routine, but flying is never dull. New things to see, no matter how many times you follow the same route. Total flight time from CLS to S30 is just over an hour (depending on winds, and if a diversion is required) Oh! Look! What’s growing in that field? Never saw that color before. I’ll circle back and take a closer look.
But on to my point about time. I landed at Lebanon on runway 34, taxied up for fuel, talked just a minute or so with the folks at the FBO and then off for home. Somehow it was almost 6:00 pm already! Where did that 4 hours go? Time Flew.
So now I’m heading back north and as I pass Hillsboro (HIO) I’m watching the clock closely. At EXACTLY 6:20 pm …

I’ve got 1,000 hours.
Interesting note is that I was right here ...

over Scappoose (SPB) which was the first airport I landed at, other than my home field. Circles. Life happens in circles.
Since then I’ve added almost 250 hours. Now that the big goal has been reached I’m not so attentive. Sometimes a flight here and there doesn’t make it into the log, but I still enjoy watching my time build, so try keep a tight rein on recording.
A Saturday morning, July last year. Weather CAVU (Clear and Visibility Unlimited). The kind of day I want every weekend to deliver.
A new lady pilot friend Dava, flew her 182 to Chehalis, our planned meet up point for loose formation flight to Hood River(4S2).
The WAAAM (Western Antique Aeroplane and Automobile Museum) was having a special Women Pilots get in free day to celebrate Amelia Earhart’s birthday. Friends had told me this was a great museum and Dava and I were looking forward to connecting with other lady pilots as a group of Oregon 99’s were planning to fly in also.
We departed Chehalis, on a SE route past the western flank of Mt St Helens.

Rainier, Adams, Hood and Jefferson were all at their visible best as I led the way, playing tour guide as we were flying in my home neighborhood. Approaching and crossing the Columbia River Gorge can be rough and windy, but not this day. A couple minor bumps then we found calm winds at Hood River, touching down about 45 minutes from takeoff.

WAAAM is everything I’d heard and then some. Huge rooms full of planes, cars, and motorcycles. Many cars and planes from the same era were displayed together. A lot of time effort and planning has clearly gone into this jewel of a museum. Be sure to plan a visit.

The icing on my cake was the opportunity to meet, visit with, and listen to stories from a WWII WASP. At 91, Anna might be slowed down physically but mentally she was as they say, sharp as a tack. When asked about her favorite plane to ferry she paused for a moment as if reliving some fond memory and said lovingly “The P-51”. “Why?” we asked. Her response was immediate. “It was big, powerful, fast and oh, the rumble of that engine!” I felt it an honor to meet this woman, and told her so. She humbly indicated surprise at my excitement and interest.
Leaving, I led the way west through the Gorge, again pointing out sights of interest. That is beacon rock on the left down near the river.
Multnomah Falls
Cascade Locks Airport and the best route to fly should weather require a “Run through the Gorge” to get back onto the west side of the state. A stop at Scappoose (SPB) for cheap fuel and then we parted company, each heading for our own nests. A very satisfying day.
Those male pilots who read this blog are hereby warned. Weather has been horrible. Then when the sun finally peeked out, fuel prices soared. Flying has not happened. This post is NOT about planes or flying. But check back – I’ll be back to aviation next time.
Welcome to those who are still here!
Part of the process of getting ready for retirement is the ongoing sorting, discarding and packing. Last week I went through my stack of crochet patterns and books. I don’t quite know how it happened, but the next thing you know I was going through every page. So many projects I’d been planning to make someday.
I realized it had been a long time since I'd taken up a hook, that I’d missed the creative challenge. Grandma taught me how to crochet when I was five and I’ve enjoyed the craft off and on ever since. Other interests grab my time and attention for years sometimes, but always crochet calls me back. This is the doily that I selected, picturing it on the bedroom nightstand. I’m so pleased with how it came out, and had so much fun in the process that I’ve started a new piece – filet crochet edging for kitchen curtains featuring a baby chick pattern.

I’ve spent a lot of hours watching HGTV. Love those shows about cleaning and fixing up a house to help it sell. Didn’t expect to sell my home, just enjoyed the shows. Now I’m putting that information to work and unfortunately am learning how those people felt. All the hard work, just for someone else. If you’ve been dreaming about some change, or upgrade and you can possibly afford it – do it NOW. Don’t regret it someday when you downsize or your new job is in another state and you’re making those improvements for some stranger to enjoy.