Today I found it.
After visiting 10 dealers in two states, spending hours searching on-line, studying photos, and walking through what seemed like hundreds… I found my new traveling home! In my search I found units with features I liked, but never one with ALL - size, condition, room, comfort and price. Until now. I am the owner of a fifth wheel. Here she is.
Now it’s time to tell why I needed a fifth wheel.
It was my intention, upon retiring, to go flying, a lot. To land in every state, traveling until finally getting all the flying I want. A friend pointed out that a lot of money would be spent on hotels with this style of travel. To solve this problem, The Shuttle Method is conceived.
From Point A, I’ll pull my fifth wheel; say 300 miles to Point B. I’ll park it and make my way back to Point A by catching a ride with another pilot or by taking a bus or train. Next I fly back to Point B which is now my new base of operations. From here I can explore, camp, and make local flights until I’ve seen everything I want. Repeat as needed.
I'm so excited about my new CampHouse that I had to include this interior view. I'll make the three-hour drive to Oregon early next month to bring her home, with a side trip to a hot to try her out!About 140 working days left until The Shuttle Method begins.
A friend said "Let's go have some fun."
With us this means flying someplace. We took off (after the blasted fog burned off) to go to Oregon. Perfect conditions with smooth air, great temperature, and unlimited visibility. We had not flown together (in separate planes) before. Pilots negotiate who will lead. Slow plane typically, so I throttled way back to let Judy take the lead. Amazing how much less fuel I burn with airspeed at 100 knots or under. Also decided in advance, is how close we will fly - we settled on 1/2 mile minimum.
Crossing the Columbia river just southwest of Kelso.
Our first stop was Salem, OR. Met a friend of Judy's who took us to his farm where we were encouraged to harvest all the veggies we wanted.
Leaving Judy's plane behind we made a quick run south to Lebanon so I could fill up on cheap MoGas. We also wanted to visit with the couple that runs the FBO. Dana and Larry are the best!
This is somewhere over northern Oregon. Love having pictures of my boy in the air!
With retirement and travel less than 8 months away (Yes, I AM counting!) A lot of planning and preparation is underway.
I rented an entire room at our local fairgrounds for their bi-annual Community Garage Sale. Hauled in 4 truckloads of Halloween and Christmas decorations. I know, that is a LOT, but I loved to decorate a lot, and acquired things for 42 years.
At the end of the sale, I’d said goodbye to some special friends. It was hard to make the cuts, as so many memoires were attached. Then a friend said “If you’re keeping it because of how it makes you feel, then take a picture.” So I took a lot of them, and will create a book of Fuzzy Feelings that I can bring out whenever required.
With each sale, I found myself feeling lighter and freer. Now I’m weighed down by the money I made and into the retirement fund it goes!